Monday, 16 April 2018

Soldar metales


* Con electrodos o MMA (Manual Metal Arc welding), el aparato puede ser con transformador (pesa más de 25 Kg) o con inverter (pesa desde 2,5 Kg).
Precios inversor desde 100 euros y 60 con transformador

Polaridad directa: electrodo en el negativo y masa en el positivo.

* TIG -  tungsten inert gas, el tungsten no se consume
No escoria, no salpicaduras. Se puede soldar casi todo típo de materiales.
Se puede empezar con un soldador inverter, los hay con opción TIG pero no es necesario. El de transformador no vale.
Necesitas: inverter, antocha TIG (compatible con inverter), capuchón, difusor, gas (Argón 100%, Helio 100% o mezcla de ambos).
Varillas de aporte (se puede hacer sin aportar).

soldadura MIG/MAG (Metal Inert Gas o Metal Active Gas, dependiendo del gas que se inyecte) también denominada GMAW (Gas Metal Arc Welding o «soldadura a gas y arco metálico») es un proceso de soldadura por arco bajo gas protector con electrodo consumible.

gas inerte (TIG -  tungsten inert gas)

Soldadura MIG/MAG

Efe Uno Joaquin - buscar Soldadura

Tig 7, Practica de soldadura con apoyo (con y sin aporte)

Soldador para baterías 18650

DIY Battery Spot Welder - Demonstration & Explanation

Tuesday, 3 April 2018

BCDEDIT for dummies and Bad_System_Config_Info in windows

Thanks to Txomin !!

BCDEDIT for dummies

Como arreglarlo, dos aproxmaciones


- Esto es lo que decías, ¿no?

>> So... I went to research - AGAIN - hahah! But God is so good and He have such a infinite mercy that I went to a page that perfectly explained everything I needed to know, STEP BY STEP of what to do in this particulary situation (the guy had the same problem! and - as I saw on the comment's space - a lot of people have this issue as well!). Check it out:
(by the way, his page here:

~~~~ Bad_System_Config_Info ~~~~

1) Start the "inicialization repair" (or installation repair - I dont know the name in English,
I just try to translate but I cant say if this one is the right term to use).
2) It will try to fix the problem without success. Dont worry, go to the "system recovery options"
3) Logon as the adminitrator
4) Go to the "command prompt" and type "bcdedit /deletevalue {default} numproc" (without quots) and press "enter"
5) Now type "bcdedit /deletevalue {default} truncatememory" (without quots) and press enter again
6) Close the prompt screen and reboot! THAT'S IT! It is all that takes to Wind goes normal again!
 After these steps I didnt have anymore problem!!! PRAISE THE LORD! I couldnt get this far without Him!!!

2) Registro
Method 3. Fix corrupted Windows Registry by CMD to solve "Bad_System_Config_Info" error

mismo consejo aquí:

4. Fixing Corrupted Registries

BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO can be caused by corrupted registries. So, You should fix the registry related to 0x074 error. There are many third party registry fixers. But you should use known and trusted programs. You can use CCleaner to fix registries. But never forget to backup before repairing.

But, If you can’t access windows, You will need to do following things to repair windows registries.

    Open command prompt using windows bootable media like method 3.
    Now, Run the following commands and restart your PC.

ren X:\Windows\System32\config\DEFAULT DEFAULT.old

ren X:\Windows\System32\config\SAM SAM.old

ren X:\Windows\System32\config\SECURITY SECURITY.old

ren X:\Windows\System32\config\SOFTWARE SOFTWARE.old

ren X:\Windows\System32\config\SYSTEM SYSTEM.old

copy X:\Windows\System32\config\RegBack\DEFAULT X:\Windows\System32\config\

copy X:\Windows\System32\config\RegBack\SAM X:\Windows\System32\config\

copy X:\Windows\System32\config\RegBack\SECURITY X:\Windows\System32\config\

copy X:\Windows\System32\config\RegBack\SYSTEM X:\Windows\System32\config\

copy X:\Windows\System32\config\RegBack\SOFTWARE

Monday, 2 April 2018

The Trust Relationship Between this Workstation and the Primary Domain Failed

PowerShell version:

Ojo en todo lo de abajo el parámetro -Credential sólo funciona si
PowerShell >= 3

Resumen para el caso peor, no hace falta reiniciar !! :
 En la WorkStation, logarse como *administrador de dominio* .

 ' Ver como está el tema:
 Test-ComputerSecureChannel -verbose

 Test-ComputerSecureChannel -Repair


 ' Ver como está el tema:

 ' Ver como está el tema:
 Entrar con mi usuario, chk con que contraseña deja.
 Bloquear el ordenador y comprobar con que deja acceder .. y a J:

You can prevent the error: “The trust relationship between this…” with a domain GPO.

Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Local Policies > Security Options

Domain member: Disable machine account password changes

Domain member: Maximum machine account password age

Get-ADComputer -Identity SBS2K11 -Properties *

 -Credential si PowerShell >= 3
Test-ComputerSecureChannel -verbose
Test-ComputerSecureChannel -Repair

 Test-ComputerSecureChannel -Repair

 Invoke-Command -ComputerName REMOTECOMPUTERHERE -ScriptBlock { Test-ComputerSecureChannel -Repair } -Credential (Get-Credential -UserName 'administrator' -Message 'User')

  $localCredential = Get-Credential
  Invoke-Command -ComputerName REMOTECOMPUTERHERE -ScriptBlock { Test-ComputerSecureChannel -Repair } -Credential $localCredential


A todos comprobar en remoto:
 $localCredential = Get-Credential -- las guarda pero no las muestra

 @(Get-AdComputer -Filter *).foreach({

  $output = @{ ComputerName = $_.Name }

  if (-not (Test-Connection -ComputerName $_.Name -Quiet -Count 1)) { $output.Status = 'Offline'
   } else {

   $trustStatus = Invoke-Command -ComputerName $_.Name -ScriptBlock { Test-ComputerSecureChannel } -Credential $localCredential
   $output.Status = $trustStatus




Reset-ComputerMachinePassword [-Server ] [-Credential ]

Lo anterior se puede hacer también con:

 NETDOM RESETPWD   Reset the machine account password for a domain controller
 NETDOM RESET      Reset the secure connection between a workstation and a DC
 NETDOM VERIFY     Verify the secure connection between a workstation and a DC
 NetDom is available as part of the RSAT tools or by default, with the AD DS or AD LDS server roles.

 To enable NETDOM: Control Panel | Programs and Features | Windows features | Remote Server Administration Tools | Role Administration Tools | AD DS and AD LDS Tools | select AD DS Tools.
