Sunday, 12 October 2014

windows AD active directory notas

Active Directory, 4th Edition.pdf
página 13


Clase completa sobre windows xp, incluye Active Directory en chapter 5 lesson  6 Understanding Active Directory Concepts

Gestión de usuarios en ubuntu:

Sencillo en local, usuarios centralizados lo comenta al final pero sin enlaces

Q&a sobre manejo centralizado de usuarios en linux

NIS - Network Information Service -- ojo esto es de 2003

What is Active Directory - Roggeweck,d.d2s&cad=rja

How to do central home directories and user accounts on Ubuntu?

How SSL and TLS works -- divulgativo

OpenLDAP Software 2.3 Administrator's Guide

LDAP Linux HOWTO -- version antigua del anterior

Tutoriales en LDAP - cuesta ententderlo

How Active Directory Searches Work

What are the differences between LDAP and Active Directory?

Duplicar un disco con acronis 2010 da el iso

The Machine SID Duplication Myth (and Why Sysprep Matters) -- windows SID


Active_Directory_Handout.doc  NOTAS
es de 2002 pero es un resumen en 9 páginas en inglés.

Sites - define the boundaries of high-speed links on a network containing Active Directory Servers
Sites are based on IP subnets

PDCs and BDCs

En windows NT había:
PDC - Primary Domain Controller
BDC - Backup Domain Controller
Ahora en windows 2000 todos son DC -Domain Controler

DCPROMO.EXE - promocionar promote a non-domain controller to a DC

OU - Organizational units are containers into which you can place users, groups, computers, and other organizational units

Distiguished names and common names

* Distinguished names are the complete "path" through the hierarchical tree structure to a specific object
The following are the components that make up a distinguished name:
* OU - Organizational Unit. This attribute is used to divide a namespace based on organizational structure as previously discussed. An OU usually is associated with an Active Directory container or folder.
* DC - Domain Component. Domain components . A distinguished name that uses DC attributes will have one DC for every domain level below root. Another way of thinking of this would be that there would be a DC attribute for every item separated by a dot in the domain name.
* CN - Common Name. This attribute represents the object itself within the directory service.

Here is an example of a distinguished name:
CN=Jason Sprague,CN=Users,DC=mcmcse,DC=COM

Naming Convention Example
Friendly name/RFC 822
Universal Naming Convention(UNC) \\\documents\webpages\index.shtml

Global Catalog - to search by name and atributes

GUID, When a new object is created in AD, it is assigned a unique number called a GUID (globally unique identifier). The GUID is useful because it stays the same for any given object even if the object is moved. The GUID is a 128-bit identifier.

REPLICATION - Active Directory uses multimaster replication, which is another way of stating that updates can occur on any Active Directory server.
Some exceptions exist or Flexible Single Master Operation:
* Schema Master
* Domain Naming Master
* RID Master (Relative Identifier Master)
* PDC emulator (Primary Domain Controller)
* Infrastructure Daemon

three types of *groups*:
•  Domain Local(similar to a local group)
•  Global
•  Universal groups

Each group can have one of two *functions*:

* security - Security groups are the ones we are familiar with
* distribution - will be used primarily with Exchange 2000 or any other Active Directory mail application

Group Policy
They apply to OU not to groups
There are five major categories:
•  Folder redirection: Store users' folders (my documents, my pictures) on the network.
•  Security: Similar to account policies under user manager in NT4 - includes settings for the local computer, the domain, and network security.
•  Administrative Templates - NT4 administrators will recognize this section as system policies - in a much more convenient and flexible configuration. Included are desktop, application, and system settings.
•  Software Installation - Completely new - enables an administrator to have software installed automatically at the client machine - or removed automatically.
•  Scripts - similar to logon scripts in NT4, but we can now specify a startup and a shutdown script for the computer as well as a logon and a logoff script for the user.

When you *deploy software*, you can choose to assign it or publish it

.fin de las notas.

La búsqueda en youtube


HomeGroup if all are windows 7

Punto de visión: