Monday, 24 May 2010

Cosas varias, Mago more, iexplorer, imagen enorme, Metodología , Mozilla Thunderbird webmail

Mago more:
  1. Su blog:
  2. Entrevista en ABC, síndrome de west:

Internet Explorer Collection:

wmwifirouter similar a los mifi

Estocástico - aleatorio

Clumpsy - chapuza

Rasterbator - link creates huge, rasterized images from any picture

Metodología de desarrollo


siwg - API interface generator

Mozilla Thunderbird webmail
  • Webmail
  • Webmail hotmail
  • Webmail OWA
  • Webmail yahoo

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Programación -- SQL - Oracle

- NetBeans GUI Builder - diseño de interfaces de usuario para java
- SyBase PowerDesigner - diseño de BD que usa Altran, genera código SQL
- SQL developer, gui para Oracle
- MySQL-Front para mySQL
- DBDesigner 4? - original de linux by manu - DBDesigner 4 is a visual database design system that integrates database design, modeling...
Can generate Classes definition for propel ORM PHP
2012.02.01 replaced Db replaced by MySQL Workbench

--> 2012.02.02 discontinued now use current version of MySQL-workbench

LinkSQL - Oracle

-- structura de la tabla
desc table-name

select * from user_objects;

-- tablespaces -- para ver el blocksize.
select * from user_tables;
select * from user_tablespaces;

-- listado de indices
SELECT * from ind;

-- chk charset de la BD
SELECT value$ FROM sys.props$ WHERE name = 'NLS_CHARACTERSET';
select * from nls_database_parameters;

-- ejecutar procedimiento desde SQLDeveloper
BEGIN P_Carga_Informes.principal('REPORTS',3); END;

-- ???
select * from all_tab_columns;

How can I find the OWNER of an object in Oracle?

You can query the ALL_OBJECTS view:
select owner, object_name, object_typefrom ALL_OBJECTSwhere upper( object_name ) = upper( 'foo' );

select owner, object_name, object_typefrom ALL_OBJECTSwhere object_name = 'FOO'

To find synonyms:
select *from ALL_SYNONYMSwhere synonym_name = 'FOO'
Just to clarify, if a user references an object name with no schema qualification (e.g. 'FOO'), Oracle FIRST checks the user's schema for an object of that name (including synonyms in the user's schema. If it can't resolve the reference, Oracle then checks for a public synonym.
If you are looking specifically for constraints on a particular table_name:
select c.*from all_constraints cwhere c.table_name = 'FOO'union allselect cs.*from all_constraints csjoin all_synonyms son (s.table_name = cs.table_nameand s.table_owner = cs.ownerand s.synonym_name = 'FOO')
Oracle SQL*Plus Copy commandOracle hints.Oracle External table:

SQL>create directory xterm_data_dir as 'real directory'

SQL> create table
2 ( empl_id varchar2(3),
3 last_name varchar2(50),
4 first_name varchar2(50),
5 ssn varchar2(9),
6 email_addr varchar2(100),
7 years_of_service number(2,0)
8 )
9 organization external
10 ( default directory xtern_data_dir
11 access parameters
12 ( records delimited by newline
13 fields terminated by ','
14 )
15 location ('employee_report.csv')
16 );

SQL> grant read, write on directory xterm_data_Dir to <>
Oracle export of a select:

sqlplus user/paswd <_eof>
set pagesize 200;
set heading off;
spool tabla_dim_lugar;
select table_name, tablespace_name, status, instances, cache, partitioned, buffer_pool from user_tables where table_name = 'DIM_LUGAR';
spool off;

Ejmplo SQLPlus SQL-copy:
sqlplus usuario/paso <<>

GRANT  create table  TO user_name;SELECT LPAD(' ', 2*level) || granted_role "USER PRIVS"FROM (SELECT NULL grantee,  username granted_roleFROM dba_usersWHERE username LIKE UPPER('%&uname%')UNIONSELECT grantee, granted_roleFROM dba_role_privsUNIONSELECT grantee, privilegeFROM dba_sys_privs)START WITH grantee IS NULLCONNECT BY grantee = prior granted_role;stTables of an user or accessibles by an user:Tables:-------DICTIONARY Description of data dictionary tables and viewsALL_CATALOG                    All tables, views, synonyms, sequences accessible to the userALL_TABLES                     Description of relational tables accessible to the userSELECT *FROM dictionarywhere rownum minor-than 100;-- accesibles, you will surprised-- NOTE, maybe u don't have privileges to write to them--  take a look at table: TABLE_PRIVILEGESselect * from ALL_CATALOGwheretable_name not like '%$%'and owner not in ( 'SYS', 'PUBLIC', 'SYSTEM' )AND table_type IN ('TABLE','SYNONYM', 'VIEW')SELECT table_type, COUNT(table_type)from ALL_CATALOGGROUP BY table_typeORDER BY table_typeSELECT OWNER, COUNT(OWNER)from ALL_CATALOGGROUP BY OWNERORDER BY OWNERPRIVILEGESDDL - Data Definition LanguageDML - Data Manipulation LanguageDCL - Data Control LanguageDDL: create, drop, truncate, alter, ..; in your schema or system wide.DML: select, insert, update, delete, ..;3 levels of privileges:DBA_TAB_PRIVS -- dba, only dba can read itALL_TAB_PRIVS -- tables with usert can accessUSER_TAB_PRIVS -- user owned tablesDCL: commit, roll-back, ..Trick:Truncate on a table of another user,  sequirity reasons: create a procedure, and give execute privileges on it.Tablas accessible by an user-- you need a join for each privilegeselect UNIQUE t_1.table_namefromALL_TAB_PRIVS  t_1,ALL_TAB_PRIVS t_2,ALL_TAB_PRIVS t_3,ALL_TAB_PRIVS t_4where1=1and t_1.table_name = t_2.table_nameand t_1.table_name = t_3.table_nameand t_1.table_name = t_4.table_nameand (t_1.table_name not like '%$%' )and (t_1.TABLE_SCHEMA not in ( 'SYS', 'SYSTEM', 'MDSYS', 'OLAPSYS', 'XDB' ) )and t_1.privilege = 'DELETE'and t_2.privilege = 'INSERT'and t_3.privilege = 'SELECT'and t_4.privilege = 'UPDATE'ORDER BY t_1.table_name;-- information about a tableselect *from ALL_TAB_COLUMNSwheretable_name = 'table-name';Otra versión añadiendo tambiem las tablas propias:-- seleccionar las tablas sobre las que se tienen privilegios-- hay que hacer un join por cada permiso-- más las tablas propias y ordenadas para presentarlasselect tn as table_namefrom(select UNIQUE t_1.table_name as tnfromALL_TAB_PRIVS t_1,ALL_TAB_PRIVS t_2,ALL_TAB_PRIVS t_3,ALL_TAB_PRIVS t_4where(t_1.table_name = t_2.table_name)and (t_1.table_name = t_3.table_name)and (t_1.table_name = t_4.table_name)and (t_1.table_name   not like '%$%' )and (t_1.table_name not in ( 'SQLLDR_LOG', 'SQLN_EXPLAIN_PLAN' ) )and (t_1.TABLE_SCHEMA not in ( 'SYS', 'SYSTEM', 'MDSYS', 'OLAPSYS','XDB' ) )and (t_1.privilege = 'DELETE')and (t_2.privilege = 'INSERT')and (t_3.privilege = 'SELECT')and (t_4.privilege = 'UPDATE'))UNION(select table_name  as  tn from USER_TABLES)order by table_name-- información de cada tablaselect COLUMN_NAME, DATA_TYPE, DATA_LENGTH, DATA_PRECISION, NULLABLEfrom ALL_TAB_COLUMNSwheretable_name = 'AUX_LOG_INFO'order by column_id;SQL plus -- sqlplus`sqlplus -s usuario/passw@host:port/sid <<ENDset timing onset copycommit 50set heading offset echo offset feedback offset pagesize$consultaEND`;`sqlplus -s usuario/passw <<ENDset timing onset copycommit 50set heading offset echo offset feedback offset pagesize$consultaEND`;Una de fechas:select data_date, count(data_date)from tablawhere data_date > to_date('20100718', 'YYYYMMDD' )group by data_dateorder by data_date;select to_char(sysdate, ' hh24:mi:ss') from dual;comprobar conexion con OracleNota: --- los menores no le gustan, como entidad tampoco pongo --menor--#-- comprobar hay ruta a la máquinaping comprobar accesotelnet 3203#-- comprobar la definición del serviciocat /aplicaciones/oracle/product/10_2/network/admin/tnsnames.oraWAPPERSOCISS =(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS_LIST =(ADDRESS =(PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 3203)))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = SERVICE__NAME)))#-- comprobar que se llega, el ping de oraclecd /aplicaciones/oracle/product/10_2/bintnsping SERVICE__NAME 10#-- comprobar que se accedesqlplus usuario/passw@SERVICE__NAME#-- dentro de sqlplusselect * from customer where rownum --menor-- 5 order by ID_customer;sqlplus -s usuario/passw@host:port/sid --menor----menor--ENDset timing onset copycommit 50set heading offset echo offset feedback offset pagesize$consultaENDping -c 5 -c 5 ---ping -c 5 -c 5 ---ping -c 5 -c 5 
SQL curioso

select channel, brand, model, family, cuenta
from (
select channel, brand, model, family, count(distinct msisdn) as cuenta
from log_reports
-- where log_reports.DATE BETWEEN '2010-07-05' AND '2010-07-06'
where log_reports.DATE BETWEEN '2005-07-05' AND '2012-07-06'
group by channel, brand, model, family ) as t1
where (
select count(*)
from (
select channel, brand, model, family, count(distinct msisdn) as cuenta
from log_reports
-- where log_reports.DATE BETWEEN '2010-07-05' AND '2010-07-06'
where log_reports.DATE BETWEEN '2005-07-05' AND '2012-07-06'
group by channel, brand, model, family ) as t2
where =
and t2.cuenta > t1.cuenta
) < 3
order by channel, cuenta desc

PHP desarrollo-php

PHPUnit Manual - para hacer tests unitarios
PhpUnit mejor que phpunit2